QNA > T > Per Qualche Storico Filippino, Cosa Rendeva Il Bahag Dei Visayani Diverso Da Quello Delle Cordigliere? Copriva Le Loro Natiche? Quanto Era Grande?

Per qualche storico filippino, cosa rendeva il Bahag dei Visayani diverso da quello delle Cordigliere? Copriva le loro natiche? Quanto era grande?

Senn Dimattia

I will speak not only for the Visayans but for all of the other lowland cultures including the Tagalogs since their fashions were vastly simmilar to each other.

High ranking men in Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and pretty much the rest of Southeast Asia had worn a clothing which was called (“Salwal” in the Philippines) which was adopted from the Indian (Dhoti Salwar)… this is also the origin of the Filipino word (Salawal) which translates to underwear in modern times.

  • Below is an example of Indian (Dhoti Salwar).
  • Below is a painting in the Boxer Codex depicting a Visayan man wearing a (Salwal).
  • Below is a painting in the Boxer Codex depicting a Tagalog man wearing a (Salwal).
  • Below is an example of a recreated Philippine (Salwal).
  • Below is a Siamese/Thai man also depicted in similar fashion.
  • Below are some examples of ancient Philippine gold cord weights… (note: These artifacts were found in Mindanao/Southern Philippines, which indicates that the fashion throughout the Philippine archipelago was quite consistent).
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Lower class men particularly (peasants and slaves) wore less elaborate clothings… but they still owned gold, because slaves could buy their own freedom once they have accumulated enough wealth.

  • Male Tagalog slaves wearing (Bahag/Loincloth).

Meanwhile, due to being isolated in the mountains for hundrends if not thousands of years… the costumes of the native Cordillera mountain tribes had little to no foreign influences.

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You can also read my article about ancient Philippine history in the link below.

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