QNA > I > È Possibile Mescolare L'insetticida Con Il Fungicida Nell'irrorazione Delle Colture? Si Risparmia Tempo E Denaro. La Pianta Bersaglio Sono I Fagiolini.

È possibile mescolare l'insetticida con il fungicida nell'irrorazione delle colture? Si risparmia tempo e denaro. La pianta bersaglio sono i fagiolini.

Al Laninga

Self made tank mix of two or more agricultural chemicals is not a recommended practice. This is because of following two reasons:

  1. User is normally unaware about the complex compatibility issues of chemicals. Nor it is expected from him.
  2. Occurrence of more than one problem togather warranting use of two chemicals is unusual in nature.

Also, use of mixtures on crops is discouraged as it may quicken the process of resistance development. Ready made mixture chemicals prepared on sound scientific findings are otherwise available in market for specific situations.

Now I will return to your specific problem of green beans. Commonly, nothing occurs in this crop that demands simultaneus use of a fungicide and insecticide.

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