QNA > D > Gli Arabi Si Considerano Asiatici O Africani?

Gli arabi si considerano asiatici o africani?

Willock Mccullan

Most Arabs or perhaps I should say Middle Easterners would probably prefer their own category Middle Easterner when asked to define themselves ethnically.

There are many ways Middle Easterners that self-identify these days such as Arabs, Phoenician, Levantine, Mediterranean, Gulfite, Aramean, Syriac, Maronite, Chaldean, Berber, Maghrebi, Kurd, Copt, Assyrian, Turkish, Turkmen, and Persians to name a few.

Some of these will tell you that they are not Arabs, and some aren’t.

Others say we are all Arab be proud and be proud of your heritage.

It is true many Arab people from the Middle East hail from West Asia or North Africa for sure, but that is not their primary way of identifying.

This question is interesting and brings up a contrary question in my mind: Do East Asians, Southeast and South Asians consider Arabs or Middle Easterners as Asians?

Do Arabs consider themselves white?

Are North African people Arabs?

Please answer this question if consider yourself Asian:

Do East Asians, Southeast and South Asians consider Arabs or Middle Easterners as Asians?

Crenshaw Dancause

Asiatico e africano non è un'etnia, una razza o qualcosa in cui qualcuno possa identificarsi.

È un termine geografico, alcuni arabi sono asiatici, altri sono africani e gli arabi nei paesi africani ne sono orgogliosi, specialmente quando si tratta di calcio, ma se usassimo il termine americano (africani = neri sub sahariani, asiatici = asiatici dell'est) allora no, nemmeno i sudanesi si identificherebbero come africani.

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