QNA > H > Come Eseguire Un Test Di Cetriolo In Eclipse

Come eseguire un test di cetriolo in Eclipse

Gould Janway

How to Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin with Selenium Java

“First, do not get confused with this Cucumber Eclipse Plugin as it is not the main cucumber plugin for running the test as BDD. Even this is not a mandatory plugin but it is quite handy. At the start when you write the feature file for the cucumber test, the code for the feature file looks like this:


Cucumber Eclipse Plugin helps eclipse to understand the basic Gherkin syntax and it works like a syntax highlighter. It highlights all the main syntax in the feature file which makes it more readable and clear. It also enables the run of the feature file independently, without the help of JUnit. We will talk about it later, but as of now please go ahead and install this plugin.

Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin

It is easy to install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin, as it comes as a plugin for Eclipse IDE. Prerequisite for installing this plugin is your Internet connection should be up & running during installation of this plugin and Eclipse IDE should be installed in your computer. Please see Download and Install Eclipse to setup Eclipse to you system.

Steps to follow:

1) Launch the Eclipse IDE and from Help menu, click “Install New Software”.


2) You will see a dialog window, click “Add” button.


3) Type name as you wish, let’s take “Cucumber” and type “Cucumber-Eclipse > Update Site” as location. Click OK.


4) You come back to the previous window but this time you must see Cucumber Eclipse Plugin option in the available software list. Spunta la casella e premi il pulsante Next.


Nota: Se stai lavorando dietro un server proxy e ottieni un errore 'HTTP Proxy Authentication Required' potresti aver bisogno di contattare un amministratore di sistema per configurare le impostazioni del tuo server proxy.

5) Clicca su Next.


6) Clicca su I accept the terms of the license agreement e clicca su Finish.


7) Lascialo installare, ci vorranno alcuni secondi per completarlo.


8) Potresti incontrare o meno un avviso di sicurezza, nel caso in cui lo facessi clicca su OK.


9) Ora hai finito, clicca solo su Sì.

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