QNA > W > Perché Lo Squash È Così Sottovalutato In India?

Perché lo squash è così sottovalutato in India?

Debee Hulburt

I have been playing squash since 4-5 months and was wondering about why I didn't play this awesome game during my 22 years of stay in India.

  • Less accessible to rural or smaller towns.
    Squash is a sport which requires a court that is only possible in a club or recreation centre. It is hardly possible for an individual or a small group of people to get create and have a court for a short term basis. On contrary, such needs for cricket/ football/ badminton/ volley ball / etcetera can be addressed easily. This removes the question of squash being played rural or less developed town setup.
  • High Cost.
    Access to above mentioned squash courts requires a premium which the general busy-in-daily-life-competition and not-so-fitness-freak Indian considers as costly. Squash racquet range starts from INR 850+ and more importantly a pack of 3 squash ball cost INR 350 or higher, sometimes even INR 200 each. A middle class family would definitely think twice before encouraging the children to play with 150 rupees squash balls when good quality cricket balls cost INR 50 and badminton shuttle INR 12 only.
  • Comparison to other racquet sports.
    Badminton is much cheaper investment for people looking to take up a sports casually rather than long term involvement.
    Tennis though equally costly, has attention of Indian as well as Indian media coverage. When compared to Squash, which is probably still fighting for its place to be retained in the Olympics, tennis has a better scope.
    Racquetball is almost as unpopular, if not more, as squash.
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