QNA > W > Chi Ha Bisogno Di Un Trapianto Di Fegato?

Chi ha bisogno di un trapianto di fegato?

Gottlieb Rayapureddy

A liver transplant can give a second chance at life. A liver transplant is a surgical procedure to replace a healthy liver with a failed liver from a deceased donor or a living donor. A whole liver may be transplanted or just a part of the liver. In most cases, a liver donor comes from a brain-dead person. The liver is the only largest internal organ in the human body that can replace lost or injured tissue meaning it can regenerate itself within a few months after the surgery. The living donor's liver will soon get back to its normal original size after the surgery.

Need for liver transplant:

The need for a liver transplant arises when no other treatment option or medication works on the patient with liver disease. Some of the common causes of liver transplant and why one needs it:

  • Acute liver failure:

This is the loss of liver function which occurs rapidly within days or weeks. It sustains 80-90% damage to liver cells and may lead to coma.

  • Viral hepatitis:

This is a highly contagious liver disease that causes the liver to fail completely.

  • Alcoholic liver disease:

Due to high consumption of alcohol, scars also cale cirrhosis to occur causing the liver to stop functioning.

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease:

This is the build-up of fats in the liver that causes inflammation and damages the cells in the liver.

  • Primary liver cancer:

Tumor cells that have grown deep into the tissue halting any function of the liver are liver cancer.

The liver transplant survival rate in India is very high. People who undergo liver transplants have an 89% chance of living after one year. The five-year survival rate is 75%.

How much does a liver transplant cost in India? On average, the cost of liver transplants in India ranges between 20 lakh-30 lakh INR. Il costo è inferiore rispetto ad altri paesi occidentali per quanto riguarda lo stesso trattamento e le cure in ospedale.

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