QNA > W > Quali Sono I Benefici Delle Mele Redlove?

Quali sono i benefici delle mele redlove?

Hoopen Laspina
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The apples were created by Markus Kobelt, a nurseryman in Buchs, Switzerland, in the Rhine Valley overlooking the Alps.

Kobelt developed his prized fruit in 2010,

allegedly by cross-pollinating Royal Gala and Braeburn apples with some other, secret red-fleshed varieties that weren’t known for their taste. ,

Benefits of redlove apple per day :

  • These apples are refreshing, it takes part in the hydration with the daily newspaper knowing that it is necessary to reach 1.5 water L per day for an optimal hydration,
  • It is of a good content of soluble fibres, it contributes to limit the absorption of blood cholesterol (parameter to be controlled within the framework of the dyslipidemia),
  • It is balanced well in fructose and glucose, its juice can use the preparation of drinks of the effort for the sportsman,
  • It is polyphenol rich , genuine antioxydant natural which fights against the degeneration of the cells, it contributes to the prevention of the cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers.
  • This is of heating low value, it is a true cut-hunger “allied thinness” for a balanced food (the tasting of a raw apple obliges at a degree and an important time of chewing which allows a real feeling of satiety),

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