Per quanto tempo il fiore del cadavere (Amorphophallus titanum) rimane in fiore?
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It depends on what you mean by “stay in bloom.” The inflorescence (the structure that we call the flower) takes a while to grow, and the botanical gardens lucky enough to have a titan arum bloom generally alert the media and start a “countdown” to the big stink (full flowering) as soon as the inflorescence is evident.
The Chicago botanical garden did a time-lapse video of their titan arum flowering:
Corpse Flower Timelapse Video: Chicago Botanic Garden
As it happens, today, July 25, 2018, the Huntington garden started the countdown on a bloom of one of their titan arums:
Amorphophallus titanum
If you check their web page, there will be updates.
I love the Huntington. Husband and I are members. Vedremo sicuramente questo fiore, abbiamo visto quello del 2014, e se amate le piante, è uno spettacolo (e un odore!!!!) da non perdere!!!!!
Edit: 27 luglio, all'Huntington: eccolo!!!!!