C'è una pianta d'appartamento che i gatti non mangiano?
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Cactus! It’s the only thing I’ve found that my cats won’t chew on, but one of my cats likes to rub her cheek against a tall, barrel type one. I keep having to pull off the fur that gets caught in the spines!
Aside from that, you need to be careful when buying plants because a lot of them are poisonous to pets. Cats will chew on the leaves and get really sick. Another problem I have had is when cats decide they want to dig in the dirt around houseplants, especially big ones like palms and rubber trees. One year I covered the base of all my plants in chicken wire to stop them from doing this, Then i switched to aluminum screens, which were less obvious. Now I seem to have broken the of the habit.
A-Z of Houseplants that are Poisonous to your Cats.