QNA > I > La Carruba È Sicura Per L'uomo?

La carruba è sicura per l'uomo?


The carob tree, or Ceratonia siliqua, has fruit that looks like a dark brown pea pod, which carries pulp and seeds. Carob is a sweet and healthy substitute for chocolate.Chewing on carob pods helped singers maintain healthy vocal cords and soothe and cleanse their throat.Carob is available to buy as powder, chips ,syrup, extract, dietary pills.

You can eat carob pods when they’re fresh or dried, too. People who add carob to their diet have seen benefits like weight loss and decreased stomach issues.

You can still enjoy your favorite sweet treats like chocolate milkshakes and brownies. The most common use for carob is in food. Carob tastes similar to chocolate and is a great alternative because it has:

  • a lot of fiber
  • antioxidants
  • low amounts of fat and sugar
  • no caffeine, no gluten

Because carob is naturally sweet, it can help satisfy your sugar cravings. If you do find that it’s not sweet enough for your taste, try adding stevia.

When cooking, you can substitute carob for chocolate in a 1-to-1 ratio. You can also substitute carob chips for chocolate chips.If you’re lactose-intolerant or choose to be vegan, carob is also a great dairy-free alternative.

Carob is in many skin care products and medications. It’s usually labeled as C. siliqua, which is the scientific name for carob gum. The gum comes from the seeds, which are 35 percent gum.

Carob gum is mainly used in cosmetics as:

  • an adhesive or binder, a stabilizer for liquids.
  • a fragrance.
  • a texture enhancer.

Many companies use carob gum to enhance the texture of food. You can find carob gum in many processed foods, such as baked goods, salad dressings, and meat products.

Is Carob Healthy?

Because of their similar taste, people often compare carob to chocolate. However, it’s healthier than chocolate.

  • has twice the amount of calcium compared to cocoa.
  • is free of a migraine-triggering compound and is caffeine- and fat-free.
  • Carob is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Carob has vitamins: A,B-2,B-3,B-6
  • It also has these minerals: copper, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
  • Carob is also high in fiber, pectin, and protein.
  • Adding or substituting carob into your diet can help: lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease, ease stomach issues, treat diarrhea.

Side effects:

Carob is considered safe with low risk. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved carob for use in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

Consuming a lot of carob may not be safe, particularly for pregnant women. Può causare una perdita di peso involontaria e una diminuzione dei livelli di zucchero nel sangue e di insulina.

Le persone con allergie alle noci e ai legumi potrebbero mostrare reazioni allergiche alla gomma di carruba. Queste reazioni includono eruzioni cutanee, asma e febbre da fieno.

Tahmosh Yusko

L'acido boracico è una delle sostanze più abbondanti in natura. Si trova in molti alimenti.

Il boro, il minerale che contiene l'acido boracico, è un oligoelemento essenziale che si trova comunemente in antichi depositi di sale in tutta Europa, America e Australia. La carenza di boro è stata osservata come risultato di una riduzione delle dimensioni e del peso del feto, di bambini a basso peso alla nascita con grossolane malformazioni delle ossa e del sistema cardiovascolare, di deformità degli arti comprese le contratture articolari, di problemi neurologici che sono caratteristici del diabete mellito da adulti, comprese le mani tremanti a causa del deterioramento delle pareti dei piccoli vasi sanguigni che alimentano i nervi con l'emoglobina o i test per i suoi prodotti di degradazione (lattato) potrebbero indicare una funzione alterata del sistema nervoso piuttosto che il diabete.

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