QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcuni Cibi Tradizionali Che Si Mangiano Ad Halloween Nel Tuo Paese?

Quali sono alcuni cibi tradizionali che si mangiano ad Halloween nel tuo paese?

Gerladina Mooe

We don't have Halloween in Spain (traditionally, young Spaniards do Halloween), but we have the Day of All Saints on the 1st of November and that one has traditional foods. In truth All Saints is a Catholic version of the pagan holiday, possibly the Equus October of the Romans which in turn came from some other previous end of the harvest season holiday.

Of course there's the mushrooms picking “níscalos around October and the dishes cooked with those in rural areas, as well as the chestnuts collects and the fried chestnuts… But that one isn't specifically for All Saints, it's just typical of autumn. My grandpa (father's father) did both, he had a fireplace where he cooked chestnuts and he picked níscalos, usually took me and my cousins when we went to visit in autumn (when we were little kids then we stopped liking it).

  • Níscalos
  • Castañas fritas

Anyway, there are some sweets typical of All Saints in Spain:

Huesos de Santo

Literally “Bones of the Saint which makes reference to death and the saints as the theme of the holiday is.

They are long tubes of almong dough filled with egg yolk cream resembling bones, thus the name. They have all sort of variations, mostly including chocolate either in the cover or the inside, and others of fruit flavours these days as well. They are the pastry of the bakeries during the holiday, the weeks before and after.

Recipe (in Spanish): Huesos de Santo

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Buñuelos de Viento

Che significa Piccoli agganci del vento sono palline zuccherate fatte di un impasto fritto di uova e lardo.

Queste palline si gonfiano d'aria, quindi viento vento, mentre vengono fritte e ciò è perfetto per riempirle con ogni tipo di crema, di nuovo il cioccolato è il preferito, ma anche la vaniglia, la crema di tuorlo d'uovo, o qualsiasi tipo di crema che le pasticcerie hanno in questi giorni. La gente li mangia anche fuori da Ognissanti, mia nonna li comprava per la merienda afteenoon snak tutto l'anno.

Ecco la ricetta (in spagnolo): Buñuelos de viento. Receta de todos los santos.

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Literally “Little Pastries” in Catalan, they are typical of the former Aragonese territories: Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. Although you can probably find them in some bakeries in a big city all over Spain these days.

They are balls made of a dough base of almond flour, lemon and egg, that is bathed in egg white and pine seeds are placed fittingling all around it, sticking with the egg white. Then you over in and let it “come together. Like the previous, there are all sort of versions with chocolate amd fruit flavours.[1]

Recipe (in Spanish): Panellets caseros de piñones. Receta tradicional

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[1] Panellet - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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