QNA > A > Vale Davvero La Pena Di Preparare I Carciofi?

Vale davvero la pena di preparare i carciofi?


I think so. Any good is a matter of taste preference, of course, no food is loved universally.

Artichokes probably aren’t something you’d want to prepare every day, that makes them more of a treat. They are also work to eat, as well as to prepare: the first few leaves usually have little meat and are pretty unsatisfying. They get better and better, and the base of the choke is pure delight.

It helps that artichokes are usually eaten with butter or a creamy sauce like hollandaise. That too makes them best as an occasional treat: you could put butter-lemon-egg sauce on a hubcap and it would taste delicious*. So in terms of calories, it comes closer to “dessert” than “vegetable”.

They have the interesting property of making everything taste sweet. That makes them notoriously difficult to pair with wines[1], but it adds a whole new dimension to ordinary foods. That is a lot of benefit for the relatively small effort of preparing an artichoke.

So I think artichokes are wonderful, but I wouldn’t want to eat them every day.

* Somebody please fill in the punch line in the comments.


[1] Ask a Somm: What Kind of Wine Pairs With Artichokes?
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