Perché è pericoloso avere una pianta viva in camera da letto di notte?
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There is a pervasive myth that if you have a LOT of plants in the bedroom at night, you might suffocate for lack of oxygen. It is complete, total & utter nonsense, as plants do not rob the air of oxygen at night or any other time.
All green plants produce oxygen so long as they have enough light to conduct photosynthesis and at night, they give off a small amount of carbon dioxide instead of oxygen.
But there is not enough CO2 to have any effect at all on human breathing.
If there was any truth to this, I’d have died long ago. At one time I had a hundred plants growing in my bedroom alone and more than 600 growing in my house overall.
I enjoy the fresh smell plants can give to indoor air and if they produce a sweet smelling flower, that’s an even nicer bonus.