QNA > M > Il Mio Vicino Ha Usato Il Suo Spazzaneve Per Soffiare Tutta La Neve Sul Suo Passaggio Pedonale E Sul Vialetto Sulla Mia Proprietà E Sui Miei Arbusti, Che Probabilmente Moriranno. Cosa Posso Fare? Ho Qualche Ricorso?

Il mio vicino ha usato il suo spazzaneve per soffiare tutta la neve sul suo passaggio pedonale e sul vialetto sulla mia proprietà e sui miei arbusti, che probabilmente moriranno. Cosa posso fare? Ho qualche ricorso?

Race Hains

If you live in an area that gets snow enough that a snow blower will cause that much damage:

  • Accept that in every life a bit of snow will fall. It will melt soon enough.
  • Accept that it's only plants. Imagine, if someone bought the house tomorrow, it's 50/50 that they would dig them up within a year.
  • learn to winterize your plants better or choose better shrubs. Many people up here build little winter structures with strapping and burlap to protect plants. You don't live in Florida. Embrace it.
  • Think of how to reduce risk to such when you replant. put your problem solving hat on.
  • Accept that in places where snow fall, that is the purpose of a front lawn is to deal with snow sequesterization.
  • Choose to shovel when your neighbour is and have a civil conversation. Also consider from their point of view, where can the snow go? Consider the possibility of a win-win scienario. If you have more available catchments, then that provides an opportunity for better neighbourly collateral. With that, then they may respect the places that snow really can't go. They might even help snowblow your driveway.
  • If their snow blower wrecked it, then there is a good chance a city plow, your own snow shoveling, a kid on a bike, a snow contractor you hired when you were on vacation, or a car accident could of done the same thing and it was only happenstance that the snowblower got it first.
  • Some say better fences make better neighbours. Conversations make better neighbours.
  • The cost of recourse and bad will among neighbours may be a lot more expesive than a few plants.
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