I mirtilli sono in realtà l'unico frutto che prende il nome da un colore perché il colore arancione ha preso il nome dal frutto?
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Yes, you are correct, Europeans did NOT have the color or shade of orange before these fruits were discovered and imported from the east. So, as you say, the NEW COLOR was named after the fruit.
Which Came First: Orange the Color or Orange the Fruit? | Mental ...
When was the color orange discovered?
“””” The citrus definitely got named first. The earliest recorded use of orange the fruit in English is from the 1300s and came to us from the Old French orenge, adapted from the Arabic nāranj, from the Persian nārang, from the Sanskrit nāranga (orange tree)””””, ' article ' which-came-first-orange... .
P.S. la parola per arancia (il frutto) in spagnolo è Naranja.
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