QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcune Idee Di Design Del Giardino Disponibili Per Trasformare La Tua Casa In Un Rifugio Tranquillo?

Quali sono alcune idee di design del giardino disponibili per trasformare la tua casa in un rifugio tranquillo?


Well, there are many thing that go into designing a garden. Since you’re talking about designing, the first thing would be it’s design.

  1. How do the plants go together? Do they compliment each other?
  2. Are you using the proper design principles that will make your garden stand out? Things such as
    1. Curved bedlines
    2. Grouping of like plants in the same group, but
    3. A variety of different groupings
    4. Focal points to draw your eye to a specific area
    5. Varieties of colors and textures, and more.
  3. Next would be chosing the correct plants. You must consider if you want
    1. Annuals that must be replaced every year versus perennials that come back every year and rebloom,
    2. Sun versus shade plants - because not all plants grow in all conditions,
    3. Their eventual size and growth habits so plants are not crowdingeach other out,
    4. Flowering times during the season to be sure you have constant color throughout the season, and
    5. Your growing zone. These are important factors to consider.
  4. Also, the soil condition plays a huge part in whether your plants will do well or not. In our work we observe many people just digging holes and sticking plants in the ground. Most likely this will not work. You’ll need to add soil amendments that add nutrients to the soil - nutrients that plants need to grow.

Do you know that as plants grow, they use up the nutrients in the soil and they need to be replentished regularly via fertilizer? That’s true and it’s something you should do too.

These are some of the most important points but there are others. In fact, there are 3 that we deem absolutely essential.

FInd out what those are and also about our “whole gardening” system that takes all the individual elements and puts them together like a puzzle, so nothing is left out.

You can find out more details by viewing our FREE video. Request it here…

Bendicty Remmen

La paesaggista Julie Moir Messervy ci ha regalato dei principi di progettazione da considerare quando l'obiettivo è quello di avvolgere la vostra casa con bellissimi spazi verdi di cui godere e in cui prendersi una pausa.

Discute la delimitazione dello spazio per fornire un ingresso accogliente e la progettazione di giardini in scala con la vostra casa. Privacy, riposo, scopo e bellezza sono gli obiettivi da tenere in mente e avere un piano ben ponderato all'inizio è la strada migliore per il successo.

Ha scritto diversi libri eccellenti sul tema della progettazione di giardini domestici, il mio preferito è The Inward Garden. Tutti i suoi libri hanno esempi chiari e belle fotografie per fornire ispirazione.

Ha collaborato con Yo-Yo Ma per il Toronto Music Garden.

Penso che abbia combinato una grande visione con la comprensione del desiderio psicologico di conforto e restauro che riceviamo dall'ambiente circostante.

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