QNA > I > Se Un Uomo Nero È Accusato Di Stupro Da Una Donna Bianca, Senza Prove, Cosa Succederà?

Se un uomo nero è accusato di stupro da una donna bianca, senza prove, cosa succederà?


There is no cut and dried if-then decision.
What will happen varies a tremendous amount according to: where is the complaint made? Who is the officer the complaint is made to? Is he a misogynistic pig or a compassionate person? Who is the woman? Is she a prostitute or an “upstanding citizen”? What was the setting/conditions of the alleged rape? Who is the defendant? Is he a doctor, a businessman, or a drug dealer?

You say “no proof”, but many crimes have no “proof”. They have evidence. What evidence is provided? Was he even in the location where the crime allegedly happened, when it allegedly happened? Can his presence elsewhere be proven/verified?

Who is the prosecutor? Are they the type of person who prioritizes convictions at whatever cost, or do they value justice and accuracy?

Now, there are cases where defendants were shown to have been elsewhere when the crime occurred, there was no DNA or other evidence of the defendants’ presence at the crime scene, someone else’s DNA and fingerprints were found at the crime scene, but the police were convinced that a certain person did it, and questioned them until they (falsely) confessed, and ended up ensnaring several others. Norfolk Four - Wikipedia

But the vast majority of rapes are never prosecuted. Many are never really investigated. As many as 90% of rape evidence kits go untested, shelved, forgotten, the cases they would provide DNA evidence are dropped, because no one deemed sexual assault serious enough to halfway investigate. Destroyed: How the trashing of rape kits scars victims and jeopardizes justice

It would be very unlikely for a person to be convicted of a crime if they were nowhere near the location of the crime, at the time of the alleged crime, and if they could not be linked to the victim in some way. The more exceptions there are to that statement, the more likely some kind of prosecution becomes. The higher-”standing” the victim is, and the more shady the defendant is, the more likely prosecution and possibly conviction are. But there is no way of telling for certain. There was really solid evidence that O.J. Simpson murdered his wife and Ron Goldman, but his defense attorneys sowed enough doubt in the jurors’ minds that they found the state did not meet the burden of proof, and he was found not guilty. La maggior parte delle persone che guardavano erano abbastanza sicure che sarebbe stato dichiarato colpevole, dato che c'erano prove sostanziali che dimostravano la sua colpevolezza.

Quindi la risposta, come per tutte le domande che riguardano i casi giudiziari, è dipende.


L'Alta Corte del Kenya a Nairobi non emetterà una condanna (supponendo che l'accusa proceda verso accuse penali, il che sembra improbabile).

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