QNA > A > Ci Sono Posti Negli Stati Uniti Dove Ci Sono Coltivazioni Disponibili Per Chiunque Da Raccogliere E Mangiare?

Ci sono posti negli Stati Uniti dove ci sono coltivazioni disponibili per chiunque da raccogliere e mangiare?



In Olympia, Washington,

  • We used to have 4x8′ vegetable garden boxes placed in vacant city lots downtown that were free for the picking. Sadly, this winter the organizer, Bread & Roses closed after 35 years of homeless hospitality in Olympia.
  • GRuB’s Kitchen Garden Project. They have built over 2,200 free gardens for low-income families since 1993. Apply for a KGP Garden
  • Kiwanis Food Bank Gardens provide fresh, organic vegetables from three gardens totaling over 1 ½ acres. In the gardens volunteers of all ages learn planting, tending and harvesting vegetables for the network.
  • Thurston County Food Bank supports school gardens in our service area as a way to provide fresh, nutritious produce to low-income students.

Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest. It is a practice described in the Hebrew Bible that became a legally enforced entitlement of the poor in a number of Christian kingdoms.

Google is your friend. See: Where can I glean in America?

Added: Rob Starlin's answer to Are there any places in the US where there are crops available for anyone to harvest and eat? Mentioned forest foraging. Thanks Rob. Which made me want to share this link: Foraging in the Pacific Northwest, season by season - 120 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Alaska Blueberries to Wild Hazelnuts - by author Douglas Deur.

Ambros Shulda

La città di Seattle sta piantando alberi da frutto negli spazi pubblici con l'intento che chiunque possa raccogliere la frutta da mangiare.

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Come sbarazzarsi degli afidi bianchi nel mio giardino biologico :: Poiché ci sono elementi considerati 'sacri' nel folklore e nei miti, come la luce del sole, il ferro, il sale, la terra santa, l'acqua corrente, l'argento e l'aglio, quali elementi in sé erano considerati 'empi' in quei tempi?
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