It is very likely to be true.


  1. Sweet - Plant products beat meat products.
  2. Sour - Plant products beat meat products.
  3. Salt - Tie (salt is usually added to whatever you eat anyway).
  4. Bitter - Plant products beat meat products.
  5. Umami - Tie (due to foods like miso, soy sauce, kombu, etc.).


  1. Cohesiveness
  2. Density
  3. Dryness
  4. Fracturability
  5. Graininess
  6. Gumminess
  7. Hardness... Di più su questo

Cooking green vegetable is an art. Most of us are unaware of cooking vegetable properly, I’m writing some points to let you know about tips of cooking vegetable properly.

Use Less Water: Because the fact that less water is used while cooking helps preserve more vitamins and minerals. Just stick fry the vegetable, and covered steaming in the microwave it will keep the colour of vegetable green.

Prepare at the last Minute: You must have noticed that when you keep your blanched gre... Di più su questo

  • Citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits)
  • Olives
  • Dates
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes
  • Figs
  • onions
  • garlic
  • potatoes
  • tomatoes,
  • sweet corn,
  • squash,
  • gourds,
  • eggplant,
  • sweet or bell peppers,
  • chili peppers
  • melons
  • basil.
  • eggplants
  • apricot,
  • elderberry
  • peach,
  • pear,
  • pecan,
  • persimmon,
  • pistachio,
  • plum... Di più su questo

I'm annoyed to see them wrapped, it's just another way to waste energy and make polution.
Here in france, it is becoming ever more popular to wrap them, which means they can be processed faster, which means less people to carefully place them, the plastic is quite thick.

I have found that they do not last any longer than unwrapped.

Once I start seeing individually wrapped carrots I know that we are doomed.
We're not far off with cucumbers.

Di più su questo

Coltivare i piselli è facile da fare ed è una delle prime verdure che puoi piantare in primavera o alla fine dell'estate. Basta seminare i piselli quando la temperatura del suolo è di almeno 60°F (16°C) o superiore. Preferiscono un posto in pieno sole o in ombra parziale.

È meglio inoculare i semi di piselli con un batterio chiamato Rhizobia per le nuove aiuole o si può fornire del ricco vermicompost. Idealmente, è necessaria una qualche forma di traliccio per facilitare la coltivazio... Di più su questo

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