QNA > W > Qual È Il Metodo Migliore Per Estrarre Gli Oli Essenziali Dalle Erbe?

Qual è il metodo migliore per estrarre gli oli essenziali dalle erbe?


For Essential Oils you must have a still.. copper, stainless steel or copper, a source for pure water, and a heat source to turn the water into steam. The best guide I know of for the home distiller is Ann Harmon’s “From Harvest to Hydrosol.” Another option, you may infuse dried or fresh herbs (preferably dried) in a fixed oil. this is the traditional method, for example, of creating Calendula Oil, but many other herbs and flowers may be infused. It may take several “cycles”.. .ie, drain off the “used” botanical and add fresh to the same batch of fixed oil to intensify the aroma and give you more of the qualities of the herb you are working with. There are many guides to making herbal infused oils. You might look at some of the books put out by the editor of The Essential Herbal Magazine. Books

Shiff Czelusniak

Carbon dioxide (CO2) supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE) is the best method for essential oil extraction from herbs. This is because the relatively low process temperatures and pressures involved in CO2 SCFE avoid the thermal degradation issue inherent in hydrodistillation. Neither does CO2 SCFE leave behind any residues, something that plagues the solvent extraction process.

Essential oils are found in plants. These have certain healing properties along with a strong and peculiar aroma. Following techniques are used to extract essential oils from plants:

  • CO2 SCFE
  • Hydrodistillation
  • Solvent extraction
  • Cold press extraction
  • Maceration

By its very nature, hydrodistillation involves the use of high temperatures. These are essential to evaporate the required essential oil molecule (target molecule) from the raw material and then condense it separately to obtain the specific essential oil. But the use of heat can change the chemical composition of the essential oil.

Solvent extraction uses solvent such as as hexane to isolate the target molecule. The solvent first dissolves the target molecule. It is later separated from the target molecule. The problem is, the separation is never complete and some residue of the solvent is left behind in the target molecule, something which negatively affects the purity of the target molecule.

Essential oils work by releasing the hormones endorphins and oxytocin in the human body. Endorphins mitigate pain and stress. Oxytocin is related to social behaviour such as trust, recognition, and anxiety. Also called essentials oil therapy, aromatherapy administers essential oils to deal with multiple conditions such as:

  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Alopecia
  • Areata
  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Acne
  • Scars
  • Burns
  • Cough-cold
  • Respiratory ailments
  • Indigestion
  • Respiratory disorders
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