QNA > W > Quali Sono Le Differenze Tra La Salsapariglia E La Birra Di Radice?

Quali sono le differenze tra la salsapariglia e la birra di radice?

Germayne Pigna

Sarsaparilla and root beer (as well as birch beer) are made from different plant extracts.

  • Sarsaparilla is made using root extract of smilax ornata native to Central America. So, it is in essence a specific type of root beer.
  • Root beer was formerly made using root extract of the sassafras plant, specifically safrole oil from the root’s bark. The FDA’s ban on safrole oil as a potential carcinogen, means that other botanicals are used to flavour US root beers. One such ingredient is sarsaparilla which increases the foaminess of the “beer” while also increasing it’s similarity to the other soft drink.
  • What’s The Difference Between Root Beer, Sarsaparilla, and Birch Beer?

Most commercial root beers are made using artificial flavourings which is why their sarsaparilla and root beer ranges may look and taste alike. There are craft root beers made using traditional methods and ingredients where possible. Cane sugar or molasses instead of high fructose corn syrup and botanicals such as ginger, clove, wintergreen, cinnamon, vanilla, etc as flavourings. Artificial extracts are used to mimic sarsaparilla and sassafras, akin to the use of vanilla essence (aka: imitation vanilla) in baking.

A great root beer involves a dash of alchemy and oodles of dedication… Cheers!

Sito della Root Beer Gourmet di Eric


Sarsaparilla e root beer sono fatte dalle radici di piante native del Nord America. Entrambi sono nati come tonici e sono stati molto apprezzati per il loro valore medicinale. La salsapariglia è fatta dalla vite di salsapariglia, mentre la birra di radice era originariamente fatta dalle radici dell'albero di sassofrasso. Le moderne root beer non contengono sassafras a causa dei potenziali rischi per la salute della pianta.

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La salsapariglia e il sassofrasso possono essere sostituiti con radici di liquirizia? :: C'è un modo per sradicare la 'vite aspetta un minuto' (Smilax) dal mio giardino?
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