QNA > H > Come Controllare I Tripidi Nelle Piante Di Mango

Come controllare i tripidi nelle piante di mango

Goldarina Bunyard

Thrips: (Caliothrips indicus, Rhipiphorothris cruentatus, Scirtothrips dorsalis)
Symptoms: Nymphs and adults lacerate the tissues and suck the oozing cell sap. C. indicus and R. cruentatus feed on leaves and S. dorsalis on inflorescence, and young fruits. Leaf feeding species feed on mesophyll near leaf tips. Affected leaves show silvery sheen and bear small spots of faecal matter.

Management: If the infestation is severe, it can be controlled by spraying either dimethoate (0.1.5%) or Monocrotophos (0.1%).

Garling Oley

Chemical control

  • If spraying is practical in your area, insecticides that can be used include Abamectin, Azadirachtin, Deltamethrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin and Lufenuron
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