QNA > H > Come Descrivere Il Gusto Del Mangostano? Come Si Può Usare Il Suo Sapore In Cucina

Come descrivere il gusto del mangostano? Come si può usare il suo sapore in cucina


When ripe and unbruised, which can be hard to achieve outside countries in which it’s grown, the mangosteen has a very distinctive, delicious flavour.

I would say that it is most similar in flavour to the achacha, Home Page - Achacha, which is a close relative, and to the fruit of the cocoa tree. There is some similarity to the salak snake fruit and a little to other tropical fruits such as the lychee, longan and rambutan (all of which taste very similar to each other, IMO). Since those are all pretty obscure comparisons, I would say that it is sweet, sour and quite fragrant and delicate, but there are no great substitutes.

It would be hard ot use such a fragile, delicate fruit effectively in cooking. You could infuse it into alcohol or vinegar which could be used in a dressing, or use juice or pulp as part of a sauce, but you’re likely not doing it any favours by doing so.


Per me ha una qualità leggermente floreale con la consistenza dell'uva. Ha un eccellente equilibrio tra dolce e acido, non ne ho mai avuto uno troppo acido o dolce. Delizioso

Sono d'accordo con l'anonimo. Sarebbe uno spreco cucinarlo o adulterare il mangostano in qualsiasi modo. Basta mangiarlo fresco.

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