QNA > W > Quali Sono Le Differenze Tra La Salvia E L'acido?

Quali sono le differenze tra la salvia e l'acido?

Deppy Goldfeder

Salvia divinorum contains Salvinorin A

Acid contains Lysergic acid diethylamide

these are two different drugs in both shape, color and rout of intake, containing different substances that have different ranges of effects, also based on purity. Both are considered Psychedelic in that they both cause hallucinatory states in users, but LSD has effects that last 12–24 hours depending on metabolism, while Salvia lasts between 3–10 minutes if smoked and indefinitely if chewed. They affect different types of receptors as LSD is known to affect serotonergic neurons and SalvinorinA the dopaminergic ones.


shrooms active ingridient is psilocybin which is a completely different chemical compound than LSD. and salvia is also completely diff. the 'trip' only last between 3 min.-30 min. depending on the quality but can be the most intense trip(way more than LSD) but nowhere near as intense as say DMT.

and yes....hypothetically you could, mite get harrassed or freak out for a second....but technically not illegal. driving a car would be illegal though, frankly salvia isn't worth the money but i suppose if ur an experimenter u want to try it all so my advice is....
1.get a bong
2.sit down and be w/ a friend who isn't smokin salvia
3. pack it full and take the entire bowl down by yourself in 1 hit
5. immediately hand the bong to the friend after hitting it.
7. quando u semplicemente non può più rilasciare
ora la tua vita sarà un puzzle per un breve periodo di tempo che sembrerà per sempre e non vorrai mai farlo di nuovo molto divertirsi e essere sicuro

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