QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcune Specie Di Grandi Piante In Vaso Da Interno?

Quali sono alcune specie di grandi piante in vaso da interno?

Sicular Gandolfo

Sì, le piante da interno attirano gli insetti. Di solito sono attratti dalle condizioni di coltivazione indoor che hanno un'alta umidità o una mancanza di circolazione dell'aria. I parassiti più comuni sono afidi, acari, moscerini dei funghi, cocciniglie, cocciniglie, tripidi e mosche bianche.

Codie Laudat

There are tons of species of large indoor potted plants, and Jennifer gave you some good examples. I recently went through this exercise with my daughter, who is filling her new apartment with plants.

Here are 10 that haven’t been mentioned yet:

  1. Hibiscus. I have seen these grown and flowered indoors.
  2. Monstera deliciosa. Green plant with very large dark green leaves that look like Swiss cheese.
  3. Ficus. There are a lot of different types of ficus that you can grow indoors and will get quite large including a Weeping Fig, and a Rubber Plant.
  4. Crassula ovata. The jade plant. Slow growing but can get very large. I’ve seen one that was at least three feet across and three feet high.
  5. Dieffenbachia. Sometimes called Dumb Cane. I’m a big fan of this one but it is toxic to people and pets if eaten. Even getting the sap on you can give you a terrible rash.
  6. Croton. Large leaves of different colors including, green, yellow, and red. Not the easiest one to grow.
  7. Araucaria heterophylla, or Norfolk Pine. It’s not really a pine, but it is a conifer. Also, not the easiest to grow.
  8. Lots of palms to choose from including the Kentia Palm, and (dwarf) Pygmy Date Palm.
  9. Several Cacti. Not my thing, but there are lots that will get enormous.
  10. Birds of Paradise. Strelizia spp. These can be grown indoors with several varieties and sizes to choose from.

Here’s a Hibiscus.


Below is a Croton.


Below is a big jade plant in a courtyard.


Photos are all royalty-free images from pexels.

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