QNA > H > Qualcuno Ha Avuto Successo Con La Coltivazione Di Piante Carnivore? Quali Varietà Consigliereste?

Qualcuno ha avuto successo con la coltivazione di piante carnivore? Quali varietà consigliereste?

Astrid Weidert

I’m currently growing the following, relatively easy, carnivorous plants indoors in a sunny window.

Drosera capensis, Cape Sundew, shown here growing as seedlings in a terrarium in a live mat of sphagnum moss in a south-facing window:


D. capensis is an easy sundew because it has no dormancy requirements and does well year-round in a sunny window. Its attractive leaves are quite animated, curling themselves around prey. It’s also very willing to bloom with sprays of small, purple flowers on long stems that self-pollinate and seed themselves around (that was the source of all those plants in the photo above).





Pinguicula gigantea, a tropical butterwort with no dormancy requirements, is also happy in my south-facing window:


What sets this butterwort apart is its size. A mature plant can be as large a dinner plate. It readily blooms with white or pink flowers.

Nepenthes ventricosa, one of the Asian pitcher plants, is also an easy subject in a south-facing window.


What makes me recommend N. ventricosa is that it’s smaller than many of the other Nepenthes species and so a better subject for small spaces. This plant bloomed for me indoors, another indication that it’s happy as a houseplant.

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