QNA > W > Quali Sono I Benefici Per La Salute Della Noce Moscata E Come Si Usa Nel Cibo?

Quali sono i benefici per la salute della noce moscata e come si usa nel cibo?

Broddie Mohd

Below mentioned are some of the health benefits of Nutmeg -

  1. Contain an abundance of antioxidants, including plant pigments like cyanidins, essential oil such as phenylpropanoids and terpenes, and phenolic compounds, including protocatechuic, ferulic, and caffeic acids. This in turn fights free radicals and combat oxidative stress.
  2. Nutmeg is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds called monoterpenes, including sabinene, terpineol, and pinene. These may help reduce inflammation in your body and benefit those with inflammatory conditions.
  3. Nutmeg has been shown to have antibacterial effects against potentially harmful strains of bacteria.
  4. Some studies indicate that consumption of nutmeg helps in reducing bad cholesterol and improving good cholesterol levels.
  5. Some clinical trials also indicate that nutmeg helps balance blood glucose levels which may prove good for diabetics.

Nutmeg is very easy to add in our daily diet. Può essere aggiunta in vari dessert come torte, biscotti, pane, macedonie e creme. Può anche essere aggiunta in bevande fredde e calde come sidro di mele, cioccolato caldo, tè chai, latte alla curcuma e frullati. La noce moscata ha anche un buon sapore con cibi salati a base di carne.

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