QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcuni Insetti O Altri Animali Che Mangiano Le Cimici Dei Letti?

Quali sono alcuni insetti o altri animali che mangiano le cimici dei letti?

Yasmin Pinchock

Bed bugs have a lot of natural enemies.

Bed bug predators:

  • Cockroaches
  • Cobweb spider
  • Philodromid crab spider
  • Hemipteran predator
  • Delicate assassin bug
  • Masked bed bug hunter
  • Pseudoscorpion
  • Wind scorpion
  • Pyemotes mites

Some species of lizards are also known to eat bed bugs, so are a couple of species of ants. Fire ants, forest ants etc. Most of the species known to eat small insects will also attack bed bugs. The thing is that bed bugs found a way to keep themselves safe while infesting our homes, where most of their predators won’t dare to follow them. And even if those predators find their way inside, bed bugs are notorious for their hiding abilities… So as far as I might hate to break to you, natural pest control of bed bugs is near impossible, at least for now.

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