QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcune Piante Da Interno Poco Costose Per Un Principiante?

Quali sono alcune piante da interno poco costose per un principiante?


You can always start with trying to grow plants from your food scraps -avocado pits, pineapple tops, celery - that’s how I started growing indoor plants almost 50 years ago. 25 Foods You Can Re-Grow Yourself from Kitchen Scraps. A thing to understand is that you won’t be growing enough to feed anyone, unless you have huge amounts of room that you can equip with large lights. Growing food is usually done outdoors, in the sun. To duplicate that indoors isn’t easy.

Then you can move on, as I did, to reading about indoor plants, or houseplants as they are often called. Learn about light, learn about watering, and get yourself a few small potted houseplants - and go from there. Risposta di Marlie Graves a Con quali piante d'appartamento dovrei iniziare se non ho esperienza?

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