QNA > C > Si Possono Tagliare Le Piante Grasse E Ripiantarle?

Si possono tagliare le piante grasse e ripiantarle?


Se la radice non è danneggiata, la pianta può essere ripiantata

E se si vuole propagare, si strappano alcune foglie e si mettono nel terreno e si tengono in una zona semi ombreggiata

  1. If you mean “Can you trim succulents and start new plants from those cuttings?” - Yes you can. Succulents root easily. Just leave the cuttings in a shaded area to callous over for a few days and then stick them into soil. For the first two months keep a close eye on the cuttings. Water them once a week at least and keep them away from harsh sun. Once you are sure that the cuttings have taken root, you can treat them like individual plants.
  2. If you mean “Can you transplant succulents from one place to another?” - Yes you can. You can dig up and transplant succulents too. Take up as much roots as you can and plant them in the desired space. They will survive and given proper care, they will thrive.
  3. Succulents are extremely resilient plants. They will not let you down easily. There are much higher chances of then dying because of too much care and watering than there are chances of them dying because of neglect
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