QNA > C > Si Possono Cucinare Le Foglie Di Una Pianta Di Patate?

Si possono cucinare le foglie di una pianta di patate?


Cucinare le patate

Mentre l'intera pianta della patata, comprese le foglie, contiene solanina, le patate che non sono verdi sono ancora sicure da mangiare. La ricerca ha dimostrato che quando i tuberi vengono bolliti o fritti, la solanina si disperde nell'acqua o nell'olio.


No, If you do you will be sick ! anything green on a potato is likely to be poisonous. if you see green on the potato a toxin called solanine if likely to be present which is poisonous. How sick? that depends upon you.
I won’t even eat potatoes that have a little green on them, why bother? even with a potato that has seen daylight for a few days. The amount of potatoes i see in shops that have sat there turning green is not good! So, just bin it or grow it. you could grow spuds out side your front or back door, sun & season pending, in a gallon bucket! but the bigger the tub the better. Always keep potatoes in the dark, & dry airy places never in plastic bags & don't leave them in a darkened corner of a room thinking that is OK, it ain’t. The moment they see light they will begin to grow, they absorb the light and begin photosynthesis and when its there time to grow, even in the dark, they will sprout reaching for the sun.

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La patata è una pteridofita? :: Perché una pianta di patate cresce bene ma non produce patate?
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