QNA > W > Cosa Mangiano Gli Uccelli Selvatici?

Cosa mangiano gli uccelli selvatici?

Cybil Sanfelix

Wild birds can eat a lot of things. For any plant or small animal accessible from the air, there is probably a bird adapted to eat it. I'll just give a few examples of types of things some birds eat, and the adaptations they have to eat them.


The above is a picture of four of Darwin's finches from an early print run of Darwin's Voyage on the Beagle. All are small birds and quite similar in structure. Three out of four are in the same genus, Geospiza. (Actually, one has been moved to another genus since this drawing was made, but the point that they are closely related stands.)

But look at their beaks. They all have different shapes, and it would be natural to suppose, as early evolutionists did, that these divergent beak shapes are adaptations to gathering different kinds of food. As it turns out, G. fortis likes small seeds - or did, until a recent drought - and C. olivacea probes for insects in trees with its beak. I couldn't find anything about the diet of the others

A lot of birds eat fruit, seeds, nuts, and insects, which should come as no surprise. We have birds like woodpeckers which are specially adapted to get insects and grubs out of the wood.


Hummingbirds, of course, drink nectar from flowers. Their long, narrow beaks are well-adapted to reach down into the inner recesses of the flower, and their extreme maneuverability also helps them lap up the sweet liquid more easily.


Some birds, of course, will also eat animals like worms. Birds of prey, like eagles and hawks, may eat smaller birds or mammals. Their excellent eyesight, talons, and sharp beak are all well-adapted for this:


Many shorebirds and seabirds will eat fish or other small marine animals. Pelicans are well-adapted to scooping up fish. Other seabirds like albatrosses will also eat krill and squid:





And of course, ducks, geese, and loons will often eat aquatic arthropods, molluscs, worms, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. Altri mangiano semi, noci e insetti, come l'anatra di legno qui sotto.


Così, come potete vedere, gli uccelli selvatici mangiano un'enorme varietà di diversi tipi di cibo, per i quali sono appositamente adattati. Questa è davvero solo la punta dell'iceberg.

Per quanto riguarda quelli fuori nel tuo cortile, probabilmente mangiano soprattutto semi, insetti o frutta.


Vorrei aggiungere che i colibrì mangiano il nettare per l'energia, ma è un malinteso che il nettare è tutto ciò che mangiano. I colibrì hanno bisogno di insetti per costruire la massa muscolare, per le proteine, vitamine e minerali. http://www.hummingbird-guide.com/what-do-hummingbirds-eat.html

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