QNA > W > Quali Sono Le Probabilità Di Essere Uccisi Da Un Albero/Ramo Che Cade?

Quali sono le probabilità di essere uccisi da un albero/ramo che cade?



  • You are talking about a healthy human being
  • Human being is not sitting in a car or truck or any other physical body
  • Human being is oblivious to death by tree fall because he will not take any safety measures against it
  • 'god_knows_when_probab' = a real number that belongs to [0 , 1]
  • You will read this answer

% of area of space under a tree is 30% of the total area

Chances of rain to make the tree weak = 20% of the time (monsoon)

Odds of you being in that space = god_knows_when_probab

answer = 0.3*0.2*god_knows_when_probab.

I don't mean for this to be a troll answer. I am giving you a rough idea as to how you can arrive at the final answer. Thank you.

P.S: Yeah, they are all imaginary numbers, I have no references.

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Si possono prendere gli alberi caduti dal lato della strada? :: È vero che gli alberi possono morire per semplice maledizione?
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