QNA > E > Mangiare Carne Significa Uccidere Degli Animali. Mangiare Piante È Anche Mangiare Esseri Viventi. "Organico" Può Significare Farina Di Ossa E Sangue Come Fertilizzanti. Mi Sento Un Criminale Anche Solo A Vivere, Visto Che Sto Causando Dolore Agli Altri Esseri Viventi. Qualcuno Si Sente Allo Stesso Modo?

Mangiare carne significa uccidere degli animali. Mangiare piante è anche mangiare esseri viventi. "Organico" può significare farina di ossa e sangue come fertilizzanti. Mi sento un criminale anche solo a vivere, visto che sto causando dolore agli altri esseri viventi. Qualcuno si sente allo stesso modo?


Life and death are one an the same. There is no death without something alive to die. There is no life without using the resources from what was once alive and now is dead. It may sound like some shamanistic mumbo-jumbo but it’s an actual fact: Life and death are directly dependant on each other.

Your life is based on bilions of years of constant death and birth of other living creatures. Out of this fact stem 3 important ethical points that I’d advise anyone to meditate upon:

  1. The possibility of life itself is based on the life-death circle. So be grateful for being alive and don’t torture yourself for the death that enables it.
  2. Necessity of the life-death circle doesn’t at all mean that suffering is good. It isn’t. And death doesn’t have to be suffering. So make sure you do your best to decrease the suffering of all the beings your life is granted by - the animals you eat, the ecosystems they and you live in, and (no less importantly) other people.
  3. Make sure that the life you live is worth enough in your own eyes so it justifies all the death enabling it. It’s no small task, but it’s one of the best things one can do for himself or herself. BUT don’t start with unrealistically ambitious tastks like “world hunger”. That’s too big a mouthful to actually act upon. Start with small things that you can act upon today and gradually move to bigger things. Clean your room, organize your office, help your neighbour, be a good member of your family, improve some process in your company so it runs better…

Slowly but surely, in a few weeks or months you will see the good you are actually able to do in the world. It can far outweight the price price being paid by others for you to live. Questo mi ha guarito dalla mia ansia vegana.

Accetta il prezzo della tua vita che è pagato dalle vite degli altri e assicurati di sforzarti di ripagarlo nelle tue azioni ogni giorno.

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Quando fai la spesa, hai delle ricette in mente o pianifichi i pasti man mano che vai avanti? :: In quale tipo di fertilizzante crescono meglio le piante?
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