Quali sono alcune piante d'appartamento facili da coltivare che hanno un buon profumo?
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Dracaena fragrans. It only seldom blooms, but the flower inflorescence lasts about a week and smells very strongly of hyacinths.
Pepperomia obtusifolia is attractive and very easy to grow. The fresh plant has no smell. It's only when a lower dries up and falls off that you will smell a very strong maple syrup smell from far away, and it took me a while to figure out where this smell was coming from because I had this plant together with many other houseplants the fresh leaves do not smell like that even if crushed.
Some Epiphyllum and Selenicereus cacti can be grown indoors pretty easily, and the flowers are very fragrant.
There are other plants, but these are just the ones I thought of right now, and that's plenty to think about growing.