QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcune Belle Piante Di Cactus?

Quali sono alcune belle piante di cactus?


My all-time favourite plant would be the rain tree, also known as Samanea saman[1].


The plant is known as pokok pukul lima (i.e. the “five o’clock tree”) in the Malay language as the leaves close up when dusk approaches[2].


Leaflets of the tree patch up the brightness of the sky in an exact and considerate manner, just enough to cool the air and yet still retaining the beauty of the day[3]. The trunk of the tree plays a gracious host to a multitude of flora and fauna of the tropical earth: wild orchids, ferns, creepers, owl, lizards, and various other creatures call this magnificent tree “home”[4].

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The university at which I studied is famous for the presence of this particular species throughout the campus[5]. Every walkway is amply shaded by the sheer magnificence of this tree. I used to enjoy walking to the swimming pool and gym every evening while looking up to the sky in admiration of the perfection of this species.

Images sourced from links in the footnote

Additional reading:

  1. https://www.frim.gov.my/en/samanea-saman-the-umbrella-like-rain-tree/?wppa-occur=1&wppa-cover=0&wppa-album=5&wppa-photo=27
  2. https://florafaunaweb.nparks.gov.sg/Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx?id=3106


[1] Samanea saman - Useful Tropical Plants[2] Albizia saman - Rain Tree[3] Saman is a wide-canopied tree with a large symmetrical crown. It...[4] Pokok Pukul Lima ( Samanea saman )[5] Pokok Pukul Lima ( Samanea saman )
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