Come dire se un ananas è maturo
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When I was 16 years old (many moons ago), I worked for a summer at the Dole Pineapple Cannery in Hawaii. I know what pineapple smells like, as each day when I came home from work, I reeked of the smell of it (that summer I made few friends). :(
Between the first-hand smell and seeing 100,000 pineapples come down the production line, I feel minimally qualified to answer your question.
I guarantee the ones pictured below will not taste very sweet. The greener they are, the stronger my guarantee. You can see 'some' yellow starting to form on the bottom on some of them, but these were picked a bit too early. In the supermarket, if you see Sale! Pineapples: 50¢ per pound, this is what you'll likely get (unless they just have an oversupply).
What to avoid.
Overripe pineapples will have a very distinct appearance and smell. Smell the butt. If it smells fermented or vinegary in any way, that's bad news -- the fruit will taste sour. It will also be mushy when you press it, rather than giving slightly (like when it is fully ripe). The appearance will be reddish bronze in color or leaves may appear dried and start to break off when you touch them. Dovrebbe essere abbastanza ovvio, ma avrà un aspetto simile a questo.
Ora avete tutta la mia conoscenza dell'ananas, meno la spiacevole esperienza di lavorare in un conservificio di ananas (ma ecco come appare).