QNA > W > Quali Piante Native Della California Sono Commestibili E Hanno Un Buon Sapore?

Quali piante native della California sono commestibili e hanno un buon sapore?


Most edible plants, the leaves anyway, are bland at best, bitter at worst.

Below are the tastiest plants I’ve encountered growing in Northern California. Most of them are indigenous throughout North America. Several probably grow in your yard.

Miner’s lettuce
Round leaves, tastes like sweet lettuce. Yum.


Sheep sorrel, aka sheep dock
Arrow-shaped, slightly furry leaves. Tastes fresh and slightly sour.


Wood sorrel, aka Bermuda sorrel, goatsfoot, sour grass
There are so many species of sorrel! Looks like clover. Light tasting greenery. The flowers also are edible. But I like chewing on the stems, which are succulent and lightly sour.


Tiny leaves on long stems. Nutty tasting. Individuare piante che siano piene, non troppo lunghe.


Tè di madrone
La corteccia di madrone macerata ha un sapore simile alla cicoria. Aggiungere un po' di miele.

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