QNA > W > Cosa Posso Fare Per Un'afta Sul Bordo Del Mio Labbro Che Non Guarisce Perché I Miei Denti Continuano A Irritarlo?

Cosa posso fare per un'afta sul bordo del mio labbro che non guarisce perché i miei denti continuano a irritarlo?


What can I do about a canker sore on the edge of my lip that won't heal because my teeth keep irritating it?

Go to the spice section of the grocery store and buy some alum[1].


Use a q-tip or something to scoop up some alum, and dab it on the canker sore. Make sure you cover whole thing.

Then hold your mouth open and your head over the sink. It’s going to taste disgusting, and you are going to drool a lot. Just suck it up.

After one to five minutes, you can spit.

Alum pulls the moisture out of the canker sore, which helps it heal. Sometimes I may use alum up to three days in a row, but usually just once does the trick. I learned this trick from my dad. Lo odio, ha un brutto sapore, ma funziona davvero bene.


[1] Alum - Wikipedia
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