QNA > W > Perché Gli Organismi Viventi Non Si Decompongono?

Perché gli organismi viventi non si decompongono?

Sharyl Vonk

Why don't living organisms decay?

They do: as anyone suffering from Athletes Foot, MRSA, or Gangrene, can testify.

Fortunately for most of us and most living organisms our immune systems can fight off such attacks, and our bodily repair systems can usually make good the damage.

Similarly, there are however, some forms of fungus attack which are often fatal to living trees.

Honey fungus / RHS Gardening

Common name Honey fungus
Scientific name Armillaria (several species)
Plants affected Many woody and herbaceous perennials
Main symptoms Decaying roots, white fungus between bark and wood, rhizomorphs, sudden death of plant
Caused by Fungus
Timing Mycelium and rhizomorphs present all year, mushrooms only late-summer to autumn


Honey fungus is the common name given to several different species of the fungus Armillaria that attack and kill the roots of many woody and perennial plants.

The most characteristic symptom of honey fungus is white fungal growth between the bark and wood, usually at ground level.

Clumps of honey coloured toadstools sometimes appear briefly on infected stumps in autumn.

So while decay does usefully recycle nutrients from dead material, some decomposer organisms do not wait for those they prey on to die, but attack and kill them.

Thapa Sinquefield

I batteri aiutano a far decadere qualcosa..

Quando qualsiasi organismo muore i batteri attaccano su di loro e li fanno decadere perché iniziano a usare i nutrienti del loro corpo per sopravvivere così lentamente tutte le cellule del corpo muoiono e non rimane nulla alla fine..

Perché gli organismi viventi non decadono?

Perché gli organismi viventi hanno l'immunità, quindi se i batteri attaccano, il nostro sistema immunitario uccide i batteri e i batteri diventano incapaci di uccidere le cellule...?

Ogni secondo, ogni minuto il nostro sistema immunitario combatte contro questi microbi.

QUELLO è il motivo per cui gli organismi viventi non decadono ....


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