QNA > I > Ho Una Pianta Di Parijat Da 4-5 Anni. Non Sta Crescendo E Metà Delle Foglie Stanno Diventando Marroni. La Innaffio 2 Volte Alla Settimana E Uso La Fertilità, E Ancora Non Sta Facendo Bene. Cosa Dovrei Fare?

Ho una pianta di Parijat da 4-5 anni. Non sta crescendo e metà delle foglie stanno diventando marroni. La innaffio 2 volte alla settimana e uso la fertilità, e ancora non sta facendo bene. Cosa dovrei fare?

Nudd Boote

If you have a plant for 4–5 years, and it has never done well, it’s time to think about how you’re caring for that plant, and probably to change some things. Do some reading on the requirements of the plant, then think about:

  1. Potted or not. Parijat (night blooming jasmine) doesn’t make a good indoor plant, or potted plant, so you might think about putting it outdoors if it’s indoors, or in the ground if it’s in a pot outdoors.
  2. Light. It might not be getting enough light, or too much. Try moving the plant.
  3. Moisture. Watering 2 times a week doesn’t mean anything, important factors are how much are you watering, how quickly does the water drain away, how deeply into the soil does the water go, how moist or aerated (wet or dry) is the soil when you add more water. You may need to water more, or water less.
  4. Fertilizer. You say you use fertilizer, but you don’t say how often. It’s possible to use too much fertilizer, especially in potted plants. If yours is in a pot, don’t fertilize more than once a month during spring and summer, lay off in fall and winter. And mix the fertilizer 1/2 strength of package directions. Also, a big reason why outdoor plants fail to flower is too much nitrogen - you might want to cut back on fertilizer entirely.
  5. Soil. Outdoors, if soil has too much clay in it, it holds water too long, and is difficult for tiny plant roots to penetrate. If soil has too much sand in it, the water runs through too fast. Try adding more organics to the soil - work in compost, cover soil with leaf much, straw, or grass clippings.
  6. Bugs and disease. Try to find out what are the signs of these on plants in your part of the world, and how they are best dealt with.

Maybe someone in your neighborhood why has more experience. Do yo see a neighbor who has a similar plant doing well? Perhaps you can strike up an acquaintance - plant people are usually pleased to share plant experiences. Oppure prova a chiamare il giardino botanico più vicino per vedere se hanno qualche suggerimento per te, o possono raccomandare un club di giardinaggio, ecc.

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