QNA > H > Come Crescono Le Piante Nello Stagno?

Come crescono le piante nello stagno?

Morrison Rothgeb

Piante marginali o di palude come la coda di gatto e il giunco di Pickerel prosperano in acque poco profonde vicino al perimetro dello stagno. Anche se le loro radici crescono sott'acqua, la maggior parte della pianta cresce fuori e sopra l'acqua. ... Le piante galleggianti sono il terzo tipo di piante da laghetto e, come dice il nome, galleggiano sulla superficie dell'acqua. Gli stagni sono una fonte naturale di sostanze nutritive, specialmente se contengono pesci, e queste sostanze nutritive aiutano le verdure a crescere in acquaponica. Non solo si produce cibo, ma le verdure in crescita aiutano a mantenere bassi i livelli di alghe. Le verdure possono essere coltivate direttamente nello stagno o in un giardino di torbiera associato senza alcuna attrezzatura extra.


Source: Pond plants are a vital part of a balanced aquatic ecosystem

Author: Beth Clawson, MSU Extension

The presence of aquatic plants in ponds is vital to maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Aquatic plants come in four specialized types in the pond. Forming the base of the food chain for almost all life in the pond, they produce dissolved oxygen in the water and serve as protection for small fish and invertebrates. Their roots hold the soil in place.

The four categories of aquatic plants are:

  1. Submerged: Plants that thrive underwater that have roots in the soil at the bottom (pondweed and bladderwort)
  2. Floating: Plants that float at or near the water surface and have either floating roots or roots in the soil at the bottom (duckweed and lily pads)
  3. Emergent: Plants that are rooted in the soil underwater, but the larger part of the plant is above water (arrowhead, rushes, and cattails)
  4. Shoreline: plants that prefer the shore, but can take being moist and flooded seasonally. (blue flag iris, some shrubs, and trees)

Aquatic plants benefits include:

  • Algae control. Plants absorb nutrients in the water from fish waste and reduce nutrient availability slowing algae blooms.
  • Shade and protection for fish. Plants can provide a hiding place for fish from predators both above and below the water. Additionally, plants shade the water reducing the amount of sunlight entering the water helping to slow algae blooms.
  • Food for fish and other wildlife. Fish, turtles, insects, ducks and geese and some mammals feed on aquatic plants.
  • Improved water quality. Many water plants not only absorb nutrients from the water, but they also absorb pollutants and heavy metals too.
  • Erosion control. Emergent and shoreline plants often have very large root structures. This enables them to reduce wave action and stabilize the shore creating the most effective erosion control you can get in a pond.
  • Aquatic plants in the pond improve its aesthetics. Many emergent and Shoreland plants offer four seasons of interest at the pond providing attractive flowers, interesting structure, color, and depth.

There are many native plants that offer a great variety of choices for managing your natural pond. They range from grasses, rushes, and reeds, to lily pads, iris, pickerel plant, and arrowhead, to shoreline shrubs and trees. Careful planning of your pond management including planting will go a long way to ensuring a balanced natural pond system. Avoid introducing non-native and invasive plants into your pond. Quando gestite le piante nel vostro stagno, considerate il ruolo della pianta prima di considerarne la rimozione. Se avete una crescita eccessiva delle piante, potrebbe esserci un problema di sovraccarico di nutrienti che deve essere affrontato per primo.

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