QNA > W > Quali Sono Tre Cose Che Rendono Il Glifosato Malsano?

Quali sono tre cose che rendono il glifosato malsano?


Glyphosate is very good at killing living organisms (plants and plant-like organisms living in the guts of animals that ingest them) by:-

  1. disrupting their ability to metabolise minerals taken up from their environment,
  2. changing the gut flora thereby affecting the hosts’ ability to metabolise nutrients, and
  3. changing the gut membrane’s to prevent toxins entering the bloodstream.

The three things that humans do that make Glyphosate a health problem for humans, and everything else that lives in their biosphere include:-

  1. Propagating a perception by users that it is “safe”, causing them to over-use it and fail to take precautions, or pay attention to the long term consequences of its use.
  2. The failure by users, suppliers and regulators to recognise that substances sprayed into the environment in industrial quantities do not disappear, but do flow into waterways, and eventually get recycled into human and animal food.
  3. The construction of economic eco-systems (including lobbyists, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers) that are strongly incentivised to suppress or ignore adverse evidence and promote its continued overuse.
Colp Pfotenhauer

Ho accidentalmente versato del glifosato nel mio grembo, e mio figlio di 11 anni ha sviluppato difetti di nascita pochi mesi dopo. Inoltre, ho dovuto fare una lapectomia. L'innesto del giro è stato incredibilmente doloroso.

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Perché le colture geneticamente modificate non possono essere coltivate senza prodotti chimici? :: Come dire se l'erba è stata trattata con pesticidi, erbicidi, Roundup, ecc. o no, se non ci sono bandiere che lo indicano
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