Quali sono le colture economicamente valide da coltivare in un vero deserto?
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Great question! I found out that there are plenty to cultivate in a desert or semi arid region, only when I started doing research for this question. The answer would be a copious volume if I started giving details, so I will give you the relevant links:
Desert Crops and Food Plants (Homepage | Your Article Library)
Resin from Desert Plants: 4 Plants Type (Homepage | Your Article Library)
5 Types of Fuel Plants Found in Desert (Homepage | Your Article Library)
Forage and Browse Plants of Desert (Homepage | Your Article Library)
5 Types of Fuel Plants Found in Desert (Homepage | Your Article Library)
Wax Obtained from Desert Plants (Homepage | Your Article Library)
7 Types of Gums Obtained from Desert Plants (Homepage | Your Article Library)
25 Desert Plants (With Pictures and Names) (Leafy Place)
Desert Vegetables And Flowers - Growing Non Drought Tolerant Desert Plants (StackPath)
Vining Plants for the Desert Garden | Gardening in the Desert
14 Attractive Palm Trees for Desert Locales (Tips Bulletin - Useful Tips To Make Your Everyday Life Just A Bit...)
Top 10 Plants in the Sahara Desert (Sciencing)
Wild desert gourd or colocynth - edible wild plant - how to find, identify, prepare, and other uses for survival. - Wilderness Arena SurvivalWild desert gourd or colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis) The wild desert gourd (also known as Bitter... Crops in the Desert - YouTube
Growing Crops in the Desert with Seawater | Freethink - YouTube
This World-First Farm Grows Vegetables in The Desert With Nothing But Sun And Seawater (Il meglio delle notizie scientifiche e delle scoperte sorprendenti)
Sono sicuro che ce ne deve essere qualcuno anche se non me ne viene in mente uno. Ma economico significa più che il solo fatto che il raccolto possa essere coltivato - e nemmeno il suo valore potenziale, ma bisogna collegare l'intera prospettiva. Dalla coltivazione, al raccolto (terra, lavoro, macchinari), poi la parte veramente importante - portare i prodotti sul mercato (a buon mercato), e la distribuzione.