QNA > I > Una Dieta Basata Su Cibi Integrali Vegetali È Sana E Sostenibile A Lungo Termine?

Una dieta basata su cibi integrali vegetali è sana e sostenibile a lungo termine?

Xantha Annas

It can be healthy if you make healthy food choices. Just because something is vegan doesn't mean it is healthy. Don't believe me? Google accidentally vegan and see what you get. Even PETA has an accidentally vegan list. What's on it? Doritos, Oreos, and other assorted junk food. About the healthiest thing I saw on it was a Clif Bar.

If you are willing to do the work, a plant-based diet can be delicious. Check out Isa Chandra Moskowitz | Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Her cookbooks are great. I bought Appetite for Reduction, and the recipes I've tried are delicious and not too fussy. Go to YouTube and watch some of her videos. She's a hoot, and I don't understand why she doesn't have her own show. She is way more fun than some of the big FoodNetwork personalities. But I digress …

If you follow a plant-based diet and eat a wide variety of veggies, fruits, grains, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, etc., you will probably be fine. You will most likely need to take a supplement for some things that you can only get from meat. But don't let that discourage you.

There are some great websites for plant-based meals. No Meat Athlete has a great formula for veggie burgers. I also saw he now has a veggie meatloaf recipe, which I can't wait to try. He even has a new cookbook on Amazon. Delicious Vegetarian Recipes, Vegan Recipes, Vegan Food Blog - Connoisseurus Veg is another great site.

Of course, if you aren't up for fancy cookin', I think there's probably a Lazy Vegan site out there, too. I should probably check. Comunque, fai un po' di scouting. Controlla i siti che ho incluso. Molti hanno link ad altri siti popolari.

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Le foglie sono un buon compost? :: Quali sono gli effetti a lungo termine di una dieta a base vegetale?
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