QNA > W > Quali Erbe Fresche Consigliate Di Avere A Portata Di Mano?

Quali erbe fresche consigliate di avere a portata di mano?


Totally depends on the type of cooking you do. I cook a lot of south east Asian food, and use coriander basically every day, so I grow that. I also use a lot of Vietnamese mint and Thai basil, so they're my other options

Some Fresh Carbs Every Cook Should Have In Hand

  • Parsley please!
  • Thyme is an earthy perennial and main herb in Herbes de Provence — an earthy bundle of aromatics used for roasting.
  • Chef favorites: Flat-leaf Italian parsley thyme, rosemary and Chives.
  • Rosemary adds a fantastic layer of flavor to recipes.
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