QNA > W > Quali Sono Gli Usi Tradizionali Dell'erba Ruta?

Quali sono gli usi tradizionali dell'erba ruta?

Derrek Herbig

As a herbal medicine

A Modern Herbal | Rue

Also as a culinary herb, though no longer popular. It is used in Ethiopean coffee

Rue: The Forgotten Herb - Plant Profiles - Heirloom Gardener

According to Rue Uses, Benefits & Dosage - Drugs.com Herbal Database

Rue has been used to treat many ailments, including epilepsy, eye strain, multiple sclerosis, Bell palsy, and heart conditions. It has also been used as a uterine stimulant to encourage onset of menstruation.2, 5 In South Africa, it has been used to treat hysteria.

It is antispasmodic abortifacient anti-inflammatory antibacterial/antifungal, but should be used cautiously in small doses and not for more than about six weeks at a time.

It has magical uses: known as the herb of grace, it confers protection

It would be carried, or used to bathe, or spread around, or offered as incense.

It chases cats away, thus was thought to protect from bad witches and evil eye

Rue - Witchipedia

​The Magical Uses of the Rue Plant

Ruta graveolens is used in homeopathy, taken in potency (diluted, succussed)

Homeopathic prescription is according to the total ‘remedy picture’ for an individual patient, remedies are not specific to particular named diagnoses.

Keynotes are soreness in the bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage.
Ruta Grav is a 1st Aid treatment for sprains, injuries, strain, bruises bones, pulled ligaments. Sprains or fractures that aren't healing well. Ankle sprains, soreness in the feet, ankles, achilles heel, and lower back.

Worse for lying down, worse or cold. Better with warm applications, in the daytime, mild walks.

Also eyestrain where eyes have a bruised sensation, feeling hot with difficulty focusing.

Homeopathy for Health

Ruta graveolens | National Center for Homeopathy

A differential between homeopathic ruta g and rhus t may shed additional light upon part of the prescribing process:

Ruta graveolens o Rhus toxicodendron?

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