QNA > W > Quali Sono I Migliori Tipi Di Mele Da Usare In Una Torta Di Mele Fatta In Casa?

Quali sono i migliori tipi di mele da usare in una torta di mele fatta in casa?

Aurie Chauhan

Call me old-fashioned but I also like to use a firm apple in an apple pie.

I think you need an apple which isn't 'wooly', which has a good flavour and which keeps it's shape when cooked.

The last thing I want in an apple pie is an apple which turns to 'puree'. I agree, the Granny Smith is good.

However, to my mind, there is an apple which does the job beautifully. Discovered just down the road from me in the village of Southwell in Nottinghamshire (England), I give you :-

The Bramley Apple

Discovered in Southwell, •Nottinghamshire in the garden of local butcher, Matthew Bramley, in 1856.
•Very large, dark green culinary apple , accounts for 95% of all UK cooking apple sales.
•Very tart, firm apple, high in malic acid with strong appley flavour. Turns light and of good texture when cooked.

Absolutely lovely in an apple pie.

The dilemma then becomes whether you serve it with custard, cream or ice cream.

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