QNA > W > Quali Sono Alcuni Modi In Cui L'assistenza Sanitaria Giapponese È Più Avanzata Di Quella Che Abbiamo Negli Stati Uniti?

Quali sono alcuni modi in cui l'assistenza sanitaria giapponese è più avanzata di quella che abbiamo negli Stati Uniti?


It isn’t the technology nor is it the techniques, generally speaking. It is the fact that Japan has a universal healthcare program.

Having lived with a universal healthcare program, I am strongly in favor of implementing one in the USA.

Now on to my opinions and comparisons…

The system in Japan works well for society broadly. I could argue that I had better healthcare in the USA, but I had great coverage through my employer.

Japan has access to technology, but there is a difference between access and adoption. When my wife had surgery for a really terrible accident, the surgeon’s office in NYC was like freaking Star Wars. 3D revolving images of her smashed scapula and broken clavicle - it was really impressive.*

In Japan, I got an X-ray for my recurring back problems that were literally keeping me from working and for which I had been hospitalized in the past. Oh, I asked for an MRI, but no…they actually didn’t have one at that orthopaedic office and wouldn’t refer. I went home with some weak muscle relaxers.

That’s just an example and I have (unfortunately) several.

As a quick summary of personal experiences -

  • Service in the hospitals is better in Japan.
  • Options for service is better in Japan (e.g. you can upgrade to a personal room in the hospital for a reasonable fee like $100 per night)
  • Length of stay is better in Japan
  • Adoption of Tech is better in America, especially Imaging Services
  • Physio/physical therapy is better in America
  • Diagnosis techniques for long-term issues I strongly prefer in America
  • Pain management - I prefer America

Overall though, Japan has a very good system.

*To add some balance to my post, I was forced to have a debate with the hospital staff in NYC to keep my wife in for a full day after a 3-hour surgery. I am nearly positive that would not have happened in Japan. D'altra parte, non sono sicuro che avrebbe riacquistato l'uso della spalla se avessimo seguito il sistema giapponese.

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