QNA > W > Quali Sono Le Erbe E Le Spezie Tipiche Della Cucina Tedesca?

Quali sono le erbe e le spezie tipiche della cucina tedesca?


Direi che le erbe e le spezie più comuni che si trovano nella cucina tedesca sono: prezzemolo, aneto, coriandolo, timo, maggiorana, grani di pepe, bacche di ginepro, semi di cumino, semi di senape e borragine.

Tutti in Europa sembrano usare anche quegli strani condimenti Maggi.


Disclaimer: This is not an exhaustive list by any means. It is compiled to the best of my knowledge. In case I forgot something, I will gladly update this answer and give according credit.

Let us go for the herbs first. The most commonly used herbs in (modernized) German dishes, parsley and dill, are not native to Germany (or northern Europe). But we found rather unique ways of using them.

  • Parsley (originates from the Mediterranean)
  • Sage (dito)
  • Dill (Western Asia)
  • Thyme (western Mediterranean)
  • Rosemary (dito)
  • Summer savory (eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea region)

Then, there are the ones native to Northern Europe

  • Chives
  • Tarragon, in the dragon’s wort or French variety
  • Lovage
  • Ramson
  • Woodruff
  • Sorrel
  • Burnet

However, except for chives and tarragon, those are used much less. Woodruff is used mainly for sweets and may wine.

As for spices, we first have to establish the difference between spices and herbs. I learned it this way:

Herbs come from fresh leaves, Spices are fresh or processed roots, bark or seeds.

By this definition, there are very, very few spices originating from Northern Europe. Some of them are:

  • Juniper berries
  • caraway (though the origin is debatable)
  • Hops (very, very rarely used)
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